Tilbury fort in London

Tilbury Fort history

Tilbury Fort is located on the northern bank of the River Thames. Originally built in the 16th century under the reign of King Henry VIII, it was designed to protect London from French attacks. In 1588, it was strengthened to withstand the threat of the Spanish Armada. During the 18th century, it began to be used as a transit depot to store gunpowder and weapons and was further upgraded to face the Napoleonic Wars. In the following years, due to its strategic location, it was reinforced with additional heavy artillery, providing further protection along the river. Leading up to World War I, the fort became a logistical point to supply troops heading to various fronts.

Original source of information: "Wikipedia, Tilbury Fort"

Orthophoto and thermal map

The orthophotos below are images with parallel projection, generated from hundreds of RGB and thermal photos. In this case, the orthomosaic produced two images with a resolution greater than 50MP. The thermal image shows the temperatures of various materials on a day with overcast skies. We can even see that some vehicles at the lower entrance left a shadow imprint, as they had just left a few minutes earlier, and the ground had less exposure to solar radiation compared to the surrounding areas.